Monday, October 13, 2008

A Day at the Beach

We're having an incredible fall here in Chicago.  And one thing I love most about living here is the people.  Collectively as a city we endure winter together.  It bonds us as a community more than the Bears, the Cubs or the White Sox.  And because we all know what's coming in the next months, we get out to enjoy the remaining days of warmth and sunshine as much as we can.  We spent the late afternoon at the beach on Sunday and it was packed!  With gorgeous fall trees behind us we frolicked at the beach as though it were a mid July afternoon.  And we played with the most beautiful family on the North Shore.

This is Siena.  Precocious, scrappy, silly, and sweet.

And her big sister Sage.  Serious, studious and full of life.

What they both have in common, besides their beauty, is a deep love for their Mama.  For good reason, she's patient, kind, gentle, empathetic.  And with her equally wonderful and handsome husband they are giving these girls a foundation of love and comfort that is a pleasure to witness.

1 comment:

Wiggle Worms said...

What gorgeous natural beauties! I especially love the playful shots. Nice work!