Sunday, November 2, 2008

Picture Party!

Over the weekend we had a very impromptu "Picture Party". And I had the pleasure of snapping away at my dear friends and their kids. Some of whom shall remain nameless.

This is Zoe. She's my Sadie's best friend. And I certainly hope this isn't a problem later in life when Zoe is attracting the attention of EVERYONE and poor Sadie feels inferior. Because even though my Sadie has blue eyes - they aren't anything like these.

Or these. On Cooper. Who is a very mischievious 5 year old these days. Something totally new for him. Usually shy and reserved he's very playful right now. I have pictures of him sticking out his tongue and wagging his bum at me but I decided to show his less silly side.

This is Tucker. Oh yes, he's got big blue eyes too. He's the oldest, about to be 7. And is very much the big brother. And knows a lot about sports. And sports teams. And the rules of the sports. An impressive amount really, it's easy to forget he's only 7 when you get him going about football and first downs.
Here we have Molly & Bill. you can see where the kids get the eyes can't you? They are dear friends who we'd be lost without. We've braved many a long winter together filled with "rescue me!" play dates.

On to our next family, TMJ. This is J with T. Interestingly enough the playful ones in this family are Mom & Dad. T was perfectly cooperative but M & J had a hard time sitting still and doing the work of modeling for the camera. That's OK, we all had more fun as a result. And I got some truly hilarious pictures. These aren't those. I worried those were more "you had to be there". So I added the sweet ones. That's more my thing anyway, don't ya think?

This is M & T. Oh sure, all smiles here. This was before the ear biting......

Another gorgeous kid with incredible eyes. We're so lucky to have the friends we do. Not just because of their excellent features. But also because of their wit and charm and Northwestern Smartypantsness. And they are "good people" as we like to say. We totally dig them all.

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