Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

My dear friend Michelle is chronically early. Seriously, it's like a disease with her. One that I really hope is contagious. (Along with several other qualities of Michelle's - her generosity, her ease, her ability to maintain a sense of humor and fun even when the situation calls for the opposite.)

My early bird friend has her holiday cards printed and IN HER HOME right now. All they need is the photo (that's where I come in naturally), the stamp, and well, the month of December. But knowing Michelle she won't be able to wait that long and they'll hit the mailboxes before Thanksgiving. I can feel it.

Anyway, we had a lovely shoot with the entire family. Our first time to get Mom and Dad in pictures which was great. We have several quality contenders for the beautiful card (and one perfect submission for Awkward Family Photos) but I won't show you those here. That is for Michelle to reveal on her own timetable in her own way. But I will show you some glimpses of the day. These girls should look familiar, they've graced this blog here and here and here.

According to Michelle there aren't enough pictures of The Vic with The Chicks. Which is a shame because this is one Daddy with 2 Daddy's girls and he wouldn't have it any other way. This man LOVES being a father and his girls love him.

Michelle adores her girls and would do ANYTHING for them. She is a uniquely wonderful person with an ocean of love to give. They are lucky to have a Mom like her, who is fun and doesn't take life too seriously. That's another one of her qualities I'm hoping rubs off on me.

Theirs, while never dull, is a happy home. (One whose halls will be fully decked the minute the turkey leftovers are in the fridge.) And it's clear that these beautiful chicks feel loved and nurtured and cared for by their charming and devoted parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the pictures capture the real family love for each other .They are great parents and lovely girls Awesome pics .