Thursday, January 15, 2009

Doodle & Biscuit 2008

This is my year in review. It's not a complete story of course, there are hundreds of things not photographed. But these are my favorites from the year.

This is Sadie. Also known as The Biscuit. She is as joyful as this photo depicts.

And Collin. Also known as Doodle. Appropriately shown in action. He doesn't slow down much. His energetic temperament is the opposite of Sadie's.

My favorites from our spring shoot. Such patient models.

They both love to play the piano though they don't take lessons. Collin is very serious, wants to be taught and can remember songs and practices them over and over until he gets them right. He also is very hard on himself when he forgets or hits the wrong note. But his mistakes only fuel him to work harder. Sadie is an improviser, tender and gentle. She plays and sings quietly. Not for lack of confidence, it's almost as if she's listening to the song the piano is asking her to play.

Summer was an exciting time around here. This was the last day of school and both kids were overjoyed to be together all day again.

Sadie at Chicago's famous BEAN.

All dressed up and fancy at their very first grown up wedding. Collin was so proud that I was reading in the ceremony. Sadie was captivated by the bride. Both behaved extremely well and it was a thrill to share the evening with them. Even if it meant we didn't close the reception down. (Although we all did much better than you'd expect!)

Collin coming in from the beach at Lake Tahoe.

We had a whirlwind road trip to the East coast and somehow, even though we had an entire van to store stuff, we forgot a stroller. Sadie, not the active one, doesn't usually ride in one which is how it was so easy to forget. But Boston and New York and amusement parks are very pedestrian places. And that was a lot of walking for Sadie. Too much. Which meant a lot of carrying by Mom & Dad. And even Collin helped us out. But they were laughing so hard most of the time they didn't usually get very far.

The ONLY thing Collin wanted to do over the summer was go see the Statue of Liberty. Which is funny because he wailed and whined almost the entire time. He hated it! Well, that's not exactly true. He loved the boat ride. And the statue. It was the waiting he had trouble with. Lines! Such long lines! All the waiting! It took forever!

Sadie had a pink princess birthday party and this was one of her gifts. She does enjoy dressing up but she's very particular about her clothes and the way they feel on her body. No pants, ever. Only leggings. Dresses 98% of the time. Summer dresses as often as possible. Even in winter. So when she dresses up it's usually in shoes. Sorry, glass slippers. But she was enamored by this outfit as was I obviously.

This is Collin playing fall soccer. He was in the wrong division. He was "that kid". When he was in he dominated the field, scored lots of goals, blocked the other team from ever getting the ball. And when he was on the bench, the other team actually got a chance to play. What can I say? He takes after his Dad.

This was a day at a Pumpkin Patch this fall. These are 2 common faces we see the kids making. This is Collin's dinosaur face. There's kind of a hissing, crashing T-Rex sound that accompanies it. And this is Sadie's incredulous face. Usually preceded by "What what what?!?"

These are my most recent pictures. What they look like right now. Well, what they looked like on Christmas Eve. Collin so handsome and dapper with his Christmas tie. He gets kind of a shy amused smile when he presents himself. Then collapses into me in a rare and cherished hug. As overwhelmed as I am by how grown up he looks and feels.

And Sadie all dressed in her "fancy party dress". With her "fancy black shoes" and "sparkly tights". She twirls and dances, which is more of a waist wiggle in front of her mirror once dressed. Then slowly and carefully approaches people with the look on her face that says, "Aren't I the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?" Yes baby, you truly are.

And here they are with their Daddy, the fabulous Mikie D. Without whom they would not be possible. You see here 2 kids who worship their Dad and appropriately so. He plays games, reads stories, tucks them into bed and showers them with attention and devotion. We're all so lucky to have each other.


1 comment:

Molly Lyons said...

where is the photo of Mom and kiddies? or all 4 of you?

I wept. I miss you all so much.
