Tuesday, December 23, 2008

3C Ranch - the people

Don't worry, there won't be a test at the end of this post. But I'm going to sketch out my family and how we all fit together in these photos. Some background might give some of the pictures their proper perspective.

My grandparents Forrest Sr. and Emilie had three kids: Forrest Jr, Connie and Martha. Here they are (in reverse order just to keep you on your toes) Martha, Connie and Forrest.

Between those three kids, they have five kids. So my grandparents had five grandchildren: Cherie, Kerry, Trevor, Emi, and Joe Ben.

This is Trevor (my brother), me (Emi) - we're Forrest's kids. Trev & I are here with Joe Ben, Connie's son. Not pictured because they weren't there for Thanksgiving this year are Martha's kids Cherie & Kerry. Still with me?

These are the Outlaws

God bless 'em they married into the Clark family. They look fun don't they? Trust me they are. They share a bond not unlike soldiers in arms....

This is Erin and her son Blake. Erin is not an outlaw, technically, but she is one of us. Her Dad is married to Martha. Which puts Erin in a unique and special category all her own.

This is Erin's Dad Gary. Also Martha's husband. Come on, follow along now. He's pictured here with my Dad Forrest. And quite frankly Gary is married almost as much to my Dad as he is to Martha. These two are best friends and dream and hatch plans for the farm on a continuous basis. They do a tremendous amount of work together. I count on Gary to keep an eye on my Dad and thankfully he does.

This is perhaps my second most favorite photo. Gary looks like he's said something a little racy to Martha, which would not be a stretch to assume. What I love about the picture is how much Martha enjoys him and what he whispered in her ear.

Connie was without her boyfriend Randy this year as he was at his own family reunion. I was glad only because Randy is 900 feet tall and I was a little nervous about how to fit him compositionally. We missed him though and I wish we had a picture. But I do love this portrait of Connie, one of the most well read, civically minded people I've ever met.

Connie and Martha are sisters and couldn't be more different. And yet are also profoundly alike. They have a way of combining their strengths to produce incredible results, especially where gardening is concerned. I've always loved watching their relationship as sisters and they model the best that word means.

My Dad takes his role as big brother very seriously and serves as a gentle guide for our entire clan. He has a presence about him that inspires peace and togetherness. It is through his vision that we all gather together in love at the farm. And my Mom supports him unflailingly. I've never witnessed two people more devoted to one another. Their awareness and acceptance of one another is masterful and incredibly kind. There is no better example I've seen of how to be married. Their love for one another is the greatest gift I've ever received.

This is my Mom's step sister Dana, who once was lost but now is found. Literally. I met her for the first time after I had already had my kids. But she and her brother Stephen felt like family to me immediately. I love the stories she tells from the old days and she has a great spirit of playfulness about her that is mesmerizing.

I'm veering off course just a touch to introduce Elizabeth, David, Coan and Grayer. Elizabeth's Mom is a cousin of Forrest, Connie and Martha. And when you're a Clark that's not just family, that's kin. Elizabeth has been such a blessing to us! She lives near the farm and she and David help us out whenever we need it. Plus she is a baker extraordinaire. Getting a picture of all of them was a challenge so here's the best of their family in bits and bobs.

Elizabeth and Coan

David with his boys, Grayer and Coan.

We all made a point to take portraits this year so here's what we've got in the family album for 2008....

Joe, his wife Jamie, their daughters Sierra (standing) and Naomi.

Trevor, his wife Kim, their daughter Emilie. These are the three people I would take with me to a desert island by the way. Most days they'd be selected before my own family.

Now do you see why I'd take my brother and sis in law over this grumpy crew? Pictured are yours truly, my darling husband Mike and our two charming children Collin and Sadie. I couldn't resist sharing this photo because it cracks me up! What you see here (rather obviously) is the remnant of a major meltdown and a total unwillingness to take a family photo. Mom is still optimistic however that the kids will flash a smile for the camera and is doing her best to look READY! Oy.

That's my family. The people who have shaped me into who I am and who I cherish and treasure. Boy, you really worked hard to follow along. Great work! Now you can stop reading and just enjoy the eye candy.


JoBu said...

Hey, Emi--just came across your blog and I love your family photos. I'm anxious to see more of your work.


Unknown said...

HEYYY AUNT AMY i just randomly found this blog from all the way back in 2008!! dang iwish i could have been in those pictures! but this thanksgiving fo sho will be there i cant wait to see you!!
LOVE Paige(: