Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just call him James.....James Bond

Meet C & J with their "pony" James. James Bond that is. I put "pony" in quotes because technically, in the equine world, he is indeed a pony. But, to me, he's a horse. I mean look at him - he's a horse right? No, he's not. He's a pony. C & J know the difference. They take their riding very seriously, and it's clearly important to be accurate.

This is J, she rides first. She's been riding for about a year. Here she is with her instructor (trainer? coach? this whole world is new and fascinating to me - I don't yet have all the lingo). J is studious, determined and focused when she rides. She has perfect form and a natural grace on top of a horse, err, pony. She's downright elegant when she rides, you'd never know she's only 5.

Plus she's cute as a button. I mean come on, look at those dimples!

She has a relationship with her pony that is mature, intimate, passionate, intuitive. She can tell you what James likes and what he doesn't like. And I believe her. It's quite mystical, very romantic, and profoundly sweet.

C, on the other hand, is more cowboy than Prince. He has tremendous confidence when he rides. Not that J doesn't, she dances, he swaggers. His form is not technically perfect but he rides with such gusto and enthusiasm it doesn't really matter. He's got a certain style, a certain panache.

He too has bonded with his horse and loves to give him treats and take care of him. And it goes without saying that James is so gentle and protective of his young charges. C is in my son's class at school and I have to admit as a Mom I'm so impressed with these children. Both of my kids are afraid of dogs. And I can't get my 6 year old to ride a bike. Not only do C & J have NO FEAR when it comes to this animal. It's obvious they have a real devotion to both the sport and to James himself. I think passion at any age is remarkable. And on these two kids it's palpable and a joy to witness.

Happy Trails!

1 comment:

Molly Lyons said...

Emi, Emi, Emi-these are stunning. Some of them are of the Life magazine life w the Kennedy children quality. You are such a multi-talented artist.