Sunday, December 14, 2008

3C Ranch - the place

Clark Street is still blogging about the Texas trip. Once we left Houston we drove to Shiner, TX, home of Shiner beer. Which is apparently a great place to drink and shop....

Wrapping up our Texas collection is my love letter to the Clark family and family farm, the 3C Ranch just outside Shiner. I'll start with the farm itself. An important character in the story of my life. We've had the place since I was a little girl. It is in its prime at the moment, lovingly cared for by an army of skilled family members, determined to keep it that little slice of peace we retreat to as often as we can.

I know I usually do people, and I promise I will get to them. But I can't help pausing to share some pictures I took while wandering around the place. This is in no way a complete collection of all the farm has to offer, just a few things that caught my eye this trip. It truly is a place of beauty and serenity.

It was Thanksgiving after all and we had a lovely feast. Those of you I grew up with might remember the blue plates. My parents extensive collection moved to the farm several years ago.
This is the 9 bedroom farm house built mostly from scratch. The foundation and parts of the first floor are from an old house we moved onto the property. The rest dreamed up by my Father then executed by the Clark army. We each have our own rooms and my aunt Martha keeps it all so well decorated.

This is my favorite picture of the 700+ I took while we were there.


Wiggle Worms said...

Wow, the farm looks fantastic! It was still a long way from this the last time I was there. And how much junk food did I eat off those blue plates? Thanks for the little slice of Shiner!

Molly Lyons said...

can't tell you how much I love your art.
Love the dog.
Love the boy walking the road.
Just love 'em.

Cherie said...

What an EXCELLENT photo of Blake walking down the road!!