Monday, December 1, 2008

Soul Sistah

This is T. And I'm not protecting her name, I can tell you it's Tracey. But I call her T. She calls me e. It's something we started via email 10 years or so ago. I have known her my entire life and she is without a doubt my soul sistah. I feel as close to her as I do to my own skin. And I had the pleasure on the TX sojourn to photograph Mrs. T and her beautiful boys Holden (pictured here) and Nicholas. Two of the most endearing children I have ever met. I'm seriously smitten. They are just so good! And NORMAL. (Short of their strange fascinations with brooms and windshield wipers.) If you've ever met my kids then you know how much reverence and awe I have for normal. Here's the reason why: Tracey rocks as a Mom!

Holden is his fancy little man sweater.

Nicholas in his.

This was the set up to the attempt to get them to pose together for the holiday card.

And they actually sat for loads of shots, most of which are excellent - because they are excellent little guys. But I must say, what kills me about the series is that in every single one Nicholas and Holden are holding hands just like this. They never let go of one another. It's the sweetest thing. Nicholas' other hand in some looks a wee bit like a choke hold. But draw your eye away from that - to the little clasped hands - and you can see two brothers in it for the long haul.

1 comment:

Wiggle Worms said...

e- These are just wonderful photos! You have done such a great job capturing their true little wild men essences and their brothery-ness. I can't wait for you to take some more! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
